org 00000h Start_of_RAM: equ 0x0800 jp Get_address ;Skip over message defm "Cpuville Z80 ROM v.5",0 Get_address: in a,(0) ;Get address from input ports ld l,a in a,(1) ld h,a jp (hl) ;Jump to the address Port_Reflector: in a,(0) ;Simple program to test ports out (0),a in a,(1) out (1),a jp Port_Reflector Simple_Counter: ld a,000h ;One-byte counter for slow clock Loop_1: out (0),a inc a jp Loop_1 Count_to_a_million: ld l,000h ;Two-byte (16-bit) counter ld h,000h ;Clear registers Loop_2: ld a,010h ;Count 16 times, then Loop_3: dec a jp nz,Loop_3 inc hl ;increment the 16-bit number ld a,l out (0),a ;Output the 16-bit number ld a,h out (1),a jp Loop_2 ;Do it again Program_loader: ld hl,Start_of_RAM ;Load a program in RAM Loop_4: in a,(1) and 081h ;Check input port 1 jp z,Loop_4 ;If switches 0 and 7 open, loop ld b,0ffh ;OK, at least one switch closed djnz $+0 ;Debounce loop and 080h ;Is the left switch (bit 7) closed? jp nz,Start_of_RAM ;Yes, run loaded program in a,(0) ;No, then right switch (bit 0) closed. out (0),a ;Get byte from port 0, display on output ld (hl),a ;Store it in RAM ld a,0ffh ;Turn port 1 lights on (signal that out (1),a ;a byte was stored) Loop_5: in a,(1) ;Wait for switch to open and 001h jp nz,Loop_5 ld b,0ffh ;Switch open, debounce djnz $+0 ld a,l ;Put low byte of address on port 1 out (1),a inc hl ;Point to next location in RAM jp Loop_4 ;Do it again Memory_test: ld hl,Start_of_RAM ;check RAM by writing and reading each location Loop_6: in a,(1) ;read port 1 to get a bit pattern ld b,a ;copy it to register b ld (hl),a ;store it in memory ld a,(hl) ;read back the same location cp b ;same as reg b? jp nz,Exit_1 ;no, test failed, exit inc hl ;yes, RAM location OK jp Loop_6 ;keep going Exit_1: ld a,h ;display the address out (1),a ;where the test failed ld a,l ;should be 4K (cycled around to ROM) out (0),a ;any other value means bad RAM jp Memory_test ;do it again (use a different bit pattern) Peek: in a,(0) ;Get low byte ld l,a ;Put in reg L in a,(1) ;Get hi byte ld h,a ;Put in reg H ld a,(hl) ;Get byte from memory out (0),a ;Display on port 0 LEDs jp Peek ;Do it again Poke: ld a,000h ;Clear output port LEDs out (0),a out (1),a Loop_7: in a,(1) ;Look for switch closure and 001h jp z,Loop_7 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_8: djnz Loop_8 ld a,0ffh ;Light port 1 LEDs out (1),a in a,(0) ;Get hi byte ld h,a ;Put in reg H Loop_9: in a,(1) ;Look for switch open and 001h jp nz,Loop_9 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_10: djnz Loop_10 ld a,h ;Show hi byte on port 1 out (1),a Loop_11: in a,(1) ;Look for switch closure and 001h jp z,Loop_11 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_12: djnz Loop_12 ld a,0ffh ;Light port 0 LEDs out (0),a in a,(0) ;Get lo byte ld l,a ;Put in reg L Loop_13: in a,(1) ;Look for switch open and 001h jp nz,Loop_13 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_14: djnz Loop_14 ld a,l ;Show lo byte on port 0 out (0),a Loop_15: in a,(1) ;Look for switch closure and 001h jp z,Loop_15 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_16: djnz Loop_16 in a,(0) ;Get byte to load ld (hl),a ;Store in memory Loop_17: in a,(1) ;Look for switch open and 001h jp nz,Loop_17 ld a,0ffh ;Debounce loop ld b,a Loop_18: djnz Loop_18 jp Poke ;Start over